The Fourth Age - The Age of Mortals

The Fourth Age, sometimes called the age of Mortals, held up for approximately two 1000 years. With all the God Battles over, the mortal races were eventually able in order to multiply as well as prosper. There were many contests competing to create their mark on the planet, though. Human beings, dwarves, goblins, ogres, gnomes and many more all taken part for land and sources. There had been much fighting between the different races, so ethnic and technological advances were slow.

To help to make things even harder there have been tales regarding strange undead necromancers that arose every once in awhile, summoning armies of undead skeletons and also zombies that swept across the land wrecking all in their path.

[image] Through the early parts of the 4th Age most of the humans lived in nomadic tribes, battling to keep alive against one another and against the tribes of other contests. Over time they begun to make much more permanent settlements across the world, but these people continued to own to war making use of their neighbours.

Numerous legends, tales and poems exist from this time and describe the exploits of many heroes such as Robert the particular Strong and also Arrav of Avarrocka.

No contest had supremacy in these wars for many centuries right up until human mages on the north-west continent stumbled across ancient runic magics!

[image] The human mages learnt how to create potent magical stones called runestones. They started to create them in vast quantities. How they made the runestones had been kept any closely safeguarded secret between are just some of the mages in order not to let the information belong to enemy palms.

These gemstones meant that many people - not merely accomplished mages - could use powerful miracle. Virtually anybody with even handful of magical ability surely could do something with all the runestones and so the humans started to become dominant throughout the world. These events mark the start of the 5th Age - the age of Humans.

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